Create inclusive spaces and opportunities that are inviting and supportive— improving the quality of life for those living with dementia in every part of the community.
Provide physical and emotional skill set training through the continued services of Dementia Friendly Wyoming (DFW). These services, offered community-wide, state-wide, and to the larger United States, help improve interaction and communication between those living with dementia and their care partners. This training leads to better care and meaningful living for both care partners and their loved ones.
Strengthen the health care continuum for those living with dementia addressing issues such as the shortage of CNAs, education about advance care directives and risk reduction.
Continue to support health care providers to screen and support those living with dementia and their care partners, including those with Intellectual Development Disabilities.
Educate everyone in the community everyone in the community to build an understanding of dementia, how it affects people,and how we can make a difference.